"MUKTI is an amazing new singer-songwriter that really deserves to be heard. She exhibits an uncanny ability and desire to connect with all that she is doing emotionally. It really comes through in her music, her melodic structures, and her lyrics, they go far beyond the depth of the usual singer-songwriters that I hear. I hope the world has an opportunity to hear MUKTI's songs as they truly are treasures."
Rick Chudacoff
Grammy-nominated songwriter and music producer
A song is a life in itself. With a purpose of its own, a message to bring, and a powerful potential to uplift, inspire, and touch something deep inside of us that can change a life forever.
This is how I see it. And who am I?
I'm MUKTI (Vibeke Grov), a singer-songwriter from the west coast of Norway who treats music with the utmost respect, as through my eyes each song that comes through is a gift to humanity.
MUKTI's music is not only beautiful and magical; it's multidimensional and pierces the veils between worlds. Her voice moves and touches the heart of our human experience and gives us a tender shelter of recognition. I've experienced how her songs uplifted, enchanted, and expanded the energy in my events, again and again. And I'm forever grateful that she shares her rare gift with us all. You cannot listen to MUKTI without being transported deep within yourself and the cosmos.
Public speaker
"With an album showing a skilled songwriter who dares to follow her own path, MUKTI is ready to spread her music into the world."
"We discovered MUKTI, or Vibeke Grov which is her name, at 100 Dagar in Stord this winter and were spellbound by her performance!"
(Text translated from Norwegian)
“It was a full house at Arena when Vibeke "MUKTI" Grov gave her first concert! MUKTI captured the audience's attention from the very first line. There were laughter and tears among the audience, people of all ages. It felt pure and authentic, and she is honest in her lyrics. They come straight from the heart. The artist managed to convey a message that everyone could relate to. A message about despair and hope, and about living while being alive. Her music and lyrics may become a pleasure for many!”
v/ Vegard Agdestein (Original text)
“Fullt hus på Arena for å høyra Vibeke "MUKTI" Grov sin første konsert! MUKTI hadde det lydhøre publikumet med seg frå første strofe. Det var både smil og tårer å sjå blant publikum, folk i alle aldrar. Det oppleves som reint og ekte og ho er ærleg i songtekstane sine. Dei kjem rett frå hjarta. Artisten klarte å formidle eit bodskap som alle kunne kjenne seg igjen i. Eit bodskap om fortviling og håp , og om det å leva medan ein lev. Musikken og tekstane hennar kan nok bli til glede for mange!”